Sunday, October 14, 2012


it's been a couple weeks...and I have to admit, honestly, that I FORGOT that I even had this gratitude blog going!
how quickly it is to forget when you don't practice daily.
ok. let's forgive thyself, and move on.

I am back at it, as of now. A Sunday night. A strange weekend.

I am grateful for my ability to have babies - my beautiful, dear friends have had such terrible luck with fertility, and I cannot stress enough how lucky we are that we've had a smooth road with this. I am grateful for friend is okay in her health crisis.

I am grateful for dear friends who come around and bring Bye Bye Breastfeeding cookies.

I am grateful for my dear husband, who puts up with so much of my shit. Who works tirelessly at his job and as a dad/hubby at home. I am sooo glad I got to get out yesterday to the city for dear pal Kate's hen's day. I was spoiled with High Tea at a posh hotel, and I'm one lucky lady.

sighhh. could go on and on.
Should go on and on, but need to head off to sleepyland.

A final thought ...since it's been a couple weeks...a HUGE shout out of gratitude for my recent Perth trip and ALL of the mega amazing experiences there (shopping, food, spas, luxury).

And also - I have signed up for a meditation and mindfulness!

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